
all concact persons within the joint project Soil3 at a glance

Project coordination

  • Prof. Dr. Wulf Amelung, +49 228 73 2780
  • Dr. Sara Bauke, +49 228 73 2965
  • Dr. Martina Gocke, +49 228 73 2777

Field experiments Bonn, demo trials and consulting technical subsoil melioration

  • Dr. Oliver Schmittmann, +49 228 73 3054

Consulting biological subsoil melioration

  • Prof. Dr. Miriam Athmann, +49 5542 98 1587

Field experiment Thyrow

  • Dr. Kathlin Schweitzer, +49 30 2093 46480

Socio-economic evaluation

  • Holger Gerdes,
  • Zoritza Kiresiewa,
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